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  • Visa Issuance·Stay in Korea
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Foreigners can enter Korea by one of three procedures.
A foreigner may arrive in Korea without a visa, go through immigration at the airport, and obtain a status and period of stay to enter Korea.
Please refer to the information below Please refer to the information below
  1. Arrive in Korea without a visa
  2. Go through immigration at the airport(obtain a status of sojourn)
  3. Enter and stay in Korea
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A foreigner may obtain a visa to enter Korea from a diplomatic office.
Please refer to the information below Please refer to the information below
  1. Obtain a visa from diplomatic office
  2. Go through immigration at the airport (receive confirmation)
  3. Enter and stay in Korea
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If the head of a diplomatic office is not delegated for visa issuance
a foreigner may obtain a certificate of visa issuance confirmation from the immigration office with jurisdiction over the inviting party’s place of residence, submit the certificate to the diplomatic office, and obtain a visa to enter Korea.
Please refer to the information below Please refer to the information below
  1. Obtain a certificate or number of visa issuance confirmation from an immigration office
  2. Obtain a visa from diplomatic office
  3. Go through immigration at the airport
  4. Enter and stay in Korea
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