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Chungju Sells 91% of Megapolis Industrial Complex

The Megapolis Industrial Complex that the city of Chungju built in West Chungju Newtown is reaching the final stages of selling all of its lots.

On May 8, Chungbuk-do and Chungju City will sign an investment agreement with Media Tech and Jagwon Holdings that includes the construction of production facilities and administrative support.

Media Tech was founded in 1989 and manufactures assembly equipment for rechargeable lithium ion batteries.

The company plans to invest KRW 8.16 billion to build a 1320㎡ production facility on a 4000㎡ lot and hire 33 employees.

Jangwon Holdings will invest KRW 10 billion to build a 4620㎡ production facility on a 5927㎡ plot of land hire 80 new employees.

With the the two companies' investments in facilities, the city completed sales of 91% of the lots in the Megapolis Industrial Complex.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (May 08, 2018)

** This article was translated from Korean.