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Chungbuk governor directed "to set up a committee to push for cultivation of the bio health industry"

According to Yonhap News,

(CHEONGJU=Yonhap News) On June 3, Chungbuk governor Lee Si-jong insisted to "set up a commission or pronvincinal group to foster the bio health industry and another leap forward."

He commented "President Moon Jae-in visited Chungbuk last month and gave big support for the leap forward of the bio health industry" during a staff meeting.

The governor said, "As the government selects the bio health industry as one of new three major industries, Chunbuk becomes hopeful," adding that "We have to do our best in devising follow-up measures to ensure Chunbuk leading the bio health industry."

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Source: Yonhap News (June 3, 2019)

** This article was translated from Korean.