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Jeungpyeong-gun to build the 3rd industrial complex led by the private sector

According to Yonhap News,

(JEUNGPYEONG=Yonhap News) The 3rd Jeungpyeong Industrial Complex, in the scale of 680,000 sq. meters, will be created in a private-led development way.

According to Jeungpyeong-gun on August 1, developer Hwanghwa consortium will build the 3rd Jeungpyeong Industrial Complex of 680,000 sq. meters in Chojeong-ri, Jeungpyeong-eup by investing KRW 132.4 billion.

Hwanghwa consortium plans to commence construction in April next year, after licensing and permission process, and complete construction in 2023.

Jeungpyeong-gun plans to aggressively attract bio materials companies in the 3rd Industrial Complex, creating a bio industry belt in connection with Osong High-Tech Medical Complex and Chungju National Industrial Complex.

Jeungpyeong-un previously laid the foundation to build a base of bio industry by attracting 4D bio convergence materials commercialization center in 2017 jointly with Chungbuk-do and Chungbuk TechnoPark.

An official from Jeungpyeong-gun said, "We will actively attract eco-friendly bio industries in the 3rd industrial complex, which will be turned into a new growth engine," adding that "contributing to population growth, job creation, and revitalization of regional economy."

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Source: Yonhap News (August 1, 2019)

** This article was translated from Korean.