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Jincheon to achieve KRW 1 trillion investment attraction for 6 years in a row

According to Yonhap News,

Jincheon-gun, Chungbuk-do is about to achieve KRW 1 trillion investment attraction from companies for 6 consecutive years.

As of last month, Jincheon-gun attracted KRW 820.7 billion, reaching 58.6% of this year's goal (KRW 1.4 trillion).

This year, it already signed Investment MOUs with six companies including Orion, and Jincheon Logistics, and working to attract numerous large-scale investment.

Jincheon-gun expects to reach this year's goal of investment attraction within this month.

Due to continued success in attracting companies' investment, Jincheon has seen virtuous circle of job creation, population increase, and better settlement conditions.

The county governor said, "We will continue to attract excellent companies which are great at increasing productivity and jobs, while trying to distribute benefits of investment attraction to all local citizens fairly."

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Source:Yonhap News (June 2, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.