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4D Biomaterials Center in Jeungpyeong to be build by year-end....New growth engine

According to Yonhap News,

4D Biomaterials Center that Jeungpyeong-gun, Chungbuk-do has been working on for five years, supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) is to open in the end of this year.

Jeungpyeong-gun said on July 9 that the Center, with investment of KRW 21.9 billion over the five years since 2017, has been built on the land area of 4,615㎡.

The Center, based on 4D technology, is to support production of prototype, commercialization, and functional analysis of bio materials including artificial tears, anti-wrinkle treatment, cartilage treatment, and biopolymer.

Chungbuk-do, Chungbuk Technopark, Jeungpyeong-gun, and the Korea National University of Transportation (KNUT) jointly participated in building the center.

The Center is located in KNUT's Jeungpyeong Campus, and has a building for GMP production (1,326㎡) equipped with about 60 types of research facilities.

After completion of construction, 12 bio companies will move in, participating in R&D and prototype production.

KNUT's 4D Convergence Technology Research Institute has been selected by the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea for support university in the science and engineering field, receiving KRW 6.3 billion support. It will facilitate technology development of functional bio materials and commercialization.

An official from Jeungpyeong-gun said, "Industry-academia-research institutes came together to build this Center, which will play a pivotal role in fostering the bio industry."

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Source:Yonhap News (July 9, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.