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Chungbuk-do launched R&D Innovation Council with 14 innovation, research institutes

According to Yonhap News,

North Chungcheong Province launched the 'Regional Research and Development (R&D) Innovation Council' on October 18 where 14 innovation and research institutes are participating, including the Ochang Center of the Korea Basic Science Research Institute in the region.

The province plans to strengthen the cooperative network of innovative/research institutes, and actively support local companies suffering from rapidly changing industry trends and spread of COVID-19 through the Innovation Council in public-private partnership.

In addition, the Council members will jointly respond to national R&D project by setting basic direction of local-based R&D projects, followed by planning, evaluation, and management.

At its first meeting of the Council, participants selected strategic industries, such as carbon neutrality, ICT, AI, big data, science and culture, hydrogen industry, energy, future vehicles, semiconductor, secondary battery, and bio, which are in the forefront of the innovative growth. Going forward, they will determine detailed projects in such industries.

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Source:Yonhap News (October 18, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.