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N. Chungcheong Sets a New Direction

North Chungcheong Province announced last Thursday that its new seven measures aligned with the Park Geun-hye administration will be applied to all projects.

It is to ensure budget and enhance efficiency of provincial affairs.

The new seven measures North Chungcheong Province will promote are to become the center of new capital area; build resident-focused North Chungcheong Province; foster creative economy; actualize lifelong welfare system throughout one’s lifecycle; establish an era of rich culture which every residents can enjoy; realize a safe society; and keep the momentum of current regional projects.

An North Chungcheng Province official noted it is to be aligned with the direction of the new government by actualizing creative economy through a virtuous cycle of government policies and job creation, and establishing the era of rich culture. The key of the seven measures is making all residents into one where everyone cooperates and collaborates.

He added the province will focus on fostering promising industries such as biotechnology, solar power and cosmetics to drive creative economy and ensuring related projects to receive government funds.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (May 23, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.