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Local government’s senior level officials started to be on tour for inter-city partnership and business benchmarking

According to Yonhap News,

Local government’s senior level officials started to be on tour for inter-city partnership and business benchmarking.

The mayor of Daejeon city was on a trip to South Africa to meet with representatives from local authorities worldwide who join UCLG general meeting on Nov 6. The mayor will appeal to the members of the meeting for the host of the next UCLG in 2022. He visits the headquarters of UN Habitat located in Nairobi, Kenya to talk with the secretary general regarding the issue of ODA.

In Sejong city, the mayor took a business trip to Europe on Oct 31 to benchmark self-driving platform to be implemented into the city. While visiting cities across Europe especially well equipped with autonomous driving system commercially available, the mayor learns what services can be introduced into Sejong city.

The governor of Chungnam province makes an official visit to the Netherlands, Belgium and China one after another on Nov 10. He’ll sign an MOU worth USD 200 million with three local partners producing animal feed.

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Source: Yonhap News (Oct 30, 2019)

*This article was translated form Korean.