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Gyeongpo, Gangreung to Evolve into a Low Carbon Green City
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,


Gangreung low-carbon green model city, scheduled for completion in 2020, will have become a representative low-carbon green city with 68 eco-friendly green technologies in 6 major sectors including ecosystem, water, recycling of resources, green architecture, renewable energy and smart grid.


A 18,325 square kilometer-site in Gyeongpo-dong, designated as a low-carbon green model city by the government, is under construction for implementing various projects including green transportation, energy efficiency, ecosystem, green tourism and recycling of water resources.


If completed, the model city will generate 55 percent of its total power from renewable energy sources including photovoltaic, solar and geothermal energies, instead of fossil fuels.


The system is expected to save about 96kwh of energy annually, equivalent of the amount to serve 285 households. It will also reduce carbon dioxide emissions dramatically as much as those from a medium-sized car driving between Seoul and Busan 2,700 times.


The exterior of the building is designed based on the pine tree, a famous symbol of Gangreung, to emphasize the harmony with surrounding natural environments.


Photovoltaic panels will be placed on its roof to increase thermal efficiency and rainwater will be stored for later use such as irrigation or cleaning.


Windows will face south to make rooms bright without turning the light on during daytime and threefold windows are designed to minimize energy losses. People can also identify the energy consumption on an each building basis.


At the Green Stop, people can leave their vehicle to use eco-friendly electric cars or bicycles or take a walk in order to enjoy cultural and historic sites.


At a time when we are facing challenges including the energy crisis caused by skyrocketing oil prices, climate change and the environment crisis, Gangreung's projects hold significance in that they are designed to improve the urban environment where major energy consuming factors including population, industry and transportation facility are accumulated and to realize green growth.


The projects will also be a good opportunity to promote Gangreung's exemplary case to visitors all around the world.


Gangwon expects that the projects will develop the city into a carbon zero city, an eco-friendly city in harmony with the environment and a major tourist attraction.


The Ministry of Environment said, "We are planning to provide all possible supports to make Gangreung a global green city. Based on the projects, we will expand the projects across the nation by establishing an administrative system to set up a guideline for green city."


Source Text


Source: Yonhap News (May 16, 2012)


**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.