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Samcheok-si, selected for return-to-farm project for three straight years

According to Yonhap News,

Samcheok-si, Gangwon, was selected for the 2023 Return-to-Farm Promotion Support Project held by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, thereby securing government funding of KRW 350 million.

Starting from 2021, the city was chosen for the project for the third straight year.

Therefore, Samcheok received government funding of KRW 400 million for 2021, KRW 360 million for 2022 and KRW 350 million for 2023.

The city officials plan to run a support center, a farm tour, a startup academy, an exhibition promotion and other various return-to-farm supporting projects in 2023.

The number of people returning to the town of Samcheok has been on the rise, from 835 in 2019 to 859 in 2021.

A city official said, "We will do our utmost to attract more metropolitans to the rural areas and to revitalize the co-existing community."

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Source: Yonhap News (Dec. 22, 2022)

**This article was translated from Korean.