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Wonju city refurbishes the 53-year-old Usan Industrial Complex

According to Yonhap News,

Wonju city, Gangwon province said it will renovate the Usan Industrial Complex which turns 53 years this year.

The aging industrial complex, built in the 1970s, doesn't harmonize with its surroundings today, as it has been out of touch with development and progress that have been made in Wonju.

The city is going to invest KRW 800 million in special subsidy tax to improve infrastructures on a 2 km long street within the industrial complex.

In line with Wonju's city project on stream restoration, it also plans to pave beautiful walkways that will enhance the life quality of factory workers and dwellers in the area.

An official of Wonju said, "We expect this project will play a significant role in increasing not just the competitiveness edge of the industrial complex, but boosting the local economy."

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Source: Yonhap News (Jul. 6, 2023)

*This article was translated from Korean.