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Gangwon's medical device sales team to target the European market starting from Germany

According to Yonhap News,

Gangwon State will dispatch a "Gangwon Medical Device Sales Team" to Germany on November 12-18 in conjunction with Wonju-si, Wonju Medical Industry Technovalley, and Yonsei University Health System to expand exports of medical device.

The Sales Team, led by Deputy Governor for Economic Affairs, will target the German market, Europe's largest medical device market and the world's third largest market.

In response to the tightening of medical device regulations in Europe recently, the Sales Team will sign a "regulatory science cluster MOU" with TÜV Rheinland, one of Europe's leading medical device certification and review institutions, and establish an effective and comprehensive support system for acquiring medical device certification.

Twenty-three medical device companies from Gangwon State will participate in the world's largest medical device exhibition, MEDICA 2023, showcasing their products.

The Sales Team will support the companies participating MEDICA 2023 by holding medical device promotion meetings, and business partnering, as well as providing interviews with certification consulting companies.

In addition, we will meet with Fraunhofer, vice president of IKTS, to resume technical cooperation between the province and Germany, which was temporarily suspended due to the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), and to propose collaboration in international R&D projects.

Deputy Governor said, "As the digital health industry, including medical devices, is a leading future industry that the State is determined to foster, we will try to help export companies struggling with Europe's numerous regulations and facilitate our State's medical device products to enter the global market ."
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Source: Yonhap News (November 12, 2023)

** This article was translated from Korean.