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Gangwon State, Chuncheonsi, Eubiologics signed KRW 1.2 tn investment agreement

According to Yonhap News,

Gangwon State signed an investment agreement to attract a specialized complex for national high-tech strategic industry with Chuncheon-si, Eubiologics on February 23.

Eubiologics is to invest KRW 1.8 trillion in expanding public vaccine product facilities if a specialized complex for national high-tech strategic industryis created in Gangwon State.

Eubiologics is a global vaccine company, which was listed on the KOSDAQ in 2017.

Gangwon's Governor said, "we need a leading company to attract a specialized complex for national high-tech strategic industry, and the investment signing ceremony gave us a great momentum in attracting the complex," adding that "we will do our utmost to attract the bio-specialized complex."
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Source: Yonhap News (February 23, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.