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Gangwon State signed KRW 160 bn investment agreement with four bio companies

According to Yonhap News,

Gangwon State signed an investment agreement worth KRW 160 billion with Chuncheon-si, Hongcheon-gun, and the Global Medicinal Biotechnology Association at Sejong Hotel in Chuncheon on April 30.

The signing ceremony, held in conjunction with the inaugural general meeting of the Association, was attended by 200 people, including chairpersons, CEOs, and executives of domestic bio companies, government-funded organizations, and bio-related associations.

Four companies that participated in the agreement, including Dai Han Pharm, BL Pharmtech, Nexfarm Korea, and SinSin Pharm, agreed to each invest KRW 40 billion in infrastructure and R&D if a bio-national high-tech strategic industry specialization complex is established in the State in the future.

The local governments and companies also signed an MOU to work towards the bio-specialized complex and support companies.

The State submitted an application for designation of a bio-national high-tech strategic industry specialization complex in February, jointly with Chuncheon-si and Hongcheon-gun.

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Source: Yonhap News (April 30, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.