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Korea's largest onshore wind power farm (46MW) established in Yangyang, Gangwon State

According to Yonhap News,

Korea's largest onshore wind farm complex, created by domestic wind turbins, will be established in Yangyang, Gangwon-do.

Korea East-West Power announced that it held a completion ceremony at the 46MW Yangyang wind farm complex in Hawolcheon-ri, Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do on May 23.

Yangyang Wind Farm has 11 units of 4.2MW class wind turbines produced by Unison, a Korean wind power manufacturer, and will generate about 100,000MWh of electricity annually in the next 20 years. This is the largest onshore wind farm complex in Korea using domestically-produced turbines.

East-West Power expects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 51,000 tons thanks to the Yangyang wind farm complex. It is equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by about 5,100 hectares of forest in Gangwon State.

Local residents will jointly participate in Yangyang wind farm complex, sharing additional profits of about KRW 4.2 billion during the operation period.

East-West Power explained that it is contributing to regional development by creating new jobs realted to wind power generation, such as hiring local talent, and delivering about KRW 500 million in local education scholarships.

CEO of East-West Power said, "Yangyang Wind Farm is an exemplary case of cooperation between public and private companies contributing to the community."

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Source: Yonhap News (May 23, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.