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Intel, America's largest semiconductor company, invested KRW 18 bn in Wonju-based company

According to Yonhap News,

Intel, the largest semiconductor company in the United States, invested KRW 18 billion in Wonju-based company specializing in semiconductor materials, parts, and equipment.

On July 11, Wonju-si said that Intel made an equity investment of KRW 18 billion (8%) in DSTechno, located in Munmak, Wonju, becoming the largest shareholder.

It is known that this is the first time that Intel has invested in Korea's materials, parts, and equipment company.

The city said that Intel made this investment decision to strengthen the supply chain of the consignment production (foundry) sector, and to expand its business stably by procuring competitive semiconductor material parts and reducing costs.

DSTechno os the only materials, parts, and equipment company in Korea that is capable of manufacturing silicon carbide (SiC), silicon (Si), quartz, etc.

It has such a high quality and production management capabilities that Samsung Electronics took the initiative to invest in the company in 2022.

The city expects this investment to serve as an opportunity to lay the foundation for the completion of the Wonju semiconductor cluster.

Wonju's mayor said "we will provide every support so that new manufacturing plant in Munmak Industrial Complex with KRW 70.2 billion investment by DSTechno can be built without a hitch," adding that "as the company's growth stimulates both job creation and regional development, we will spare no support."

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Source: Yonhap News (July 11, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.