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New industrial complex of 550,000㎡ is likely in close proximity to Geodu Industrial Complex in Chuncheon

According to Yonhap News,

A new general industrial complex of 550,000㎡ is likely to be built in Chuncheon, Gangwon State.

Chuncheon's mayor announced in a press conference on August 1 that "The Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX) has selected the area around the Geodu General Industrial Complex as a candidate for a new industrial complex, which will be pushed for from next year."

Although there remains a step further to go through, the preliminary feasibility study, the likelihood is very high as it is the only candidate in the province.

Once Geodu General Industrial Complex is constructed, the city expects that its efforts to attract companies in the high-tech knowledge industrial city will gain momentum, as the problem of the lack of industrial complex sites will be resolved.

The sale rate of factory sites in the industrial complexes in Chuncheon reached almost 98%.

The development of new industrial complexes is a project that the KICOX has pushed for with am aim to attract companies, revitalize local economy, and create jobs in line with rising demand for industrial complexes.

Chuncheon earned high points for accessibility to the Seoul Chuncheon Expressway, the Central Expressway, and the GTX-B route, which is scheduled to open.

The KICOX plans to invest KRW 279.1 billion in creating a general industrial complex of 550,000㎡ across the street from the Geodu Agro-industrial Complex by 2030.

Chuncheon-si plans to build a high value-added industrial ecosystem focused on high-tech industries including bio and AI industries.

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Source: Yonhap News (August 1, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.