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Gangwon signed an MOU with Celltrion to foster the bio national high-tech strategic industry

According to Yonhap News,

Gangwon State signed an MOU with Celltrion to "Foster the Bio National High-tech Strategic Industry" on August 13.

Gagnwon's governor Kim Jin-tae held an MOU signing ceremony with Celltrion's Chairman Seo Jung-jin at Celltrion's Global R&D Center in Incheon.

The two sides agreed to cooperate in the creation of a base for fostering the bio national high-tech strategic technology and joint operation of Gangwon-Celltrion Open Innovation Program.

Following the ceremony, participants toured Celltrion's biopharmaceutical R&D and production facilities.

Celltrion is renowned globally for its capabilities in the entire process of new drug development, and was the first to succeed in developing antibody biosimilars in the world.

Celltrion's Chairman said "we started with only KRW 50 million capital at the office provided within Yeonsu-gu Office in Incheon, and have grown into what it is today," adding that "we expect more companies to grow like that in Gangwon State."

Gangwon's Governor said, "we've gained a great momentum through the meeting with Celltrion," adding that "the collaboration with Celltrion is expected to help Gangwon's bio industry thrive and more companies grow like Celltrion"

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Source: Yonhap News (August 13, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.