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Jeju Center for Creative Economy & Innovation Looking for New Tenants

According to Yonhap News,

(JEJU=Yonhap News) Jeju's Center for Creative Economy & Innovation opened the second round of application for companies who will be tenants in the second half of 2016.

Eligible applicants are entrepreneurs looking to launch their businesses or start-ups established within 3 years. The center will accept applications until September 2 and go through document review and presentation test to select less than nine teams as new tenants. Companies who previously won competitions or completed training courses organized by the Jeju center and start-ups selected in the Business Idea Pitching Day can get extra points in document review.

Selected companies will be able to use offices and a creation workshop equipped with 3D scanners and printers for 24 hours for up to six months. New tenants will also be provided with benefits for investment promotion such as demo day participation as well as one-stop services for legal, financial, patents, and accounting and tax affairs. Companies not based in Jeju will be available for support to stay in the island for one month.

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Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Aug. 10, 2016)
** This article was translated from the Korean.