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Jeju to Hold Investment Promotion Event in Guangzhou, China

According to Yonhap News,

(JEJU=NEWSIS) Jeju Special Self-Governing Province announced that it will hold an investment promotion event in Guangzhou, China on September 7.

The event, arranged by 6 Jeju companies, has invited around 30 Chinese firms based in Guangdong Province.

Local officials including the head of investment promotion board and the South Korean consul general in Guangzhou will also attend the event.

The promotional event will include person-to-person consultation sessions in order to provide opportunities for possible partnerships between business communities in two countries.

Jeju has been holding a series of investment promotion events in Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi'an in cooperation with KOTRA since 2014.

The southern resort island has also been actively engaged in various activities such as presentation meetings on foreign investment database project of KOTRA for local companies in Jeju participating in the joint investment project.

"We will select companies for joint investment through one-on-one consultations of this event and invite them to a fam tour in the second half of this year to promote investment," a local tourist bureau official said.

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Source: Yonhap News (Aug. 28, 2016)
** This article was translated from the Korean.