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Jeju to Inject KRW 1.09 Billion to Support Market Expansion of Local Products

According to Newsis News,

(JEJU=Newsis News) The Jeju Special Self-Governing Province revealed Feb. 14 it will inject KRW 1.09 billion in a project to enhance the market accessibility of local businesses, and thereby raise their total sales by 115%.

To help businesses suffering from geographical obstacles in accessing new markets, the Province has decided to invest in developing storytelling marketing skills, appearing on public home shopping programs, developing new designs, and joint purchasing products by small or medium enterprises.

For marketing through storytelling, the Province will spend KRW 150 million on evaluating local brands or products on their storytelling hope factor, relevance, business potential, and utilization plan, as well as provide one-on-one mentoring sessions with marketing specialists to help build portfolios and expand their markets.

In addition, outstanding Jeju products will be selected and supported, in cooperation with the Korea Federation of SMEs, with opportunities to appear on television home shopping programs. The Province will try to secure greater home shopping regional quotas, and assist local companies enter markets outside the island and online.

Support will also be provided in other aspects, including packaging materials, logos and catalogues, so that the products can be presented in the most effective manner possible. The Province will also try to reinforce online and offline promotional activities to lead in the effort to invigorate shops that specialize in Jeju products and the e-Jeju Mall.

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Source Text

Source: Newsis News (Feb. 14, 2017)

** This article was translated from the Korean.