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Trade Ministry to Hold International EV Forum in Jeju
According to Newsis News, 

(SEJONG=Newsis News) A forum for the latest trends and international standards in the electric vehicle (EV) industry is set to take place March 20 at the Jeju International Convention Center.

According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the EV forum will be attended by Frans Vreeswijk, General Secretary of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Won Hee-ryong, Governor of Jeju Province, Kang Byung-goo, Director General of the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), as well as representatives from U.S. and Japanese societies of automotive engineers, GM Korea Company, Korea Testing Laboratory (KLT) and other industry experts, scholars, researchers and government officials from around the world.

Through his opening address, KATS Director General Kang Byung-goo plans to emphasize the urgent need for Korea to adopt global standards related to wireless vehicle and battery charging technology vital for promoting the EV industry.

Chairman Jesse Schneider of the International Wireless Power Transfer Committee of the U.S. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is scheduled to introduce global efforts to standardize wireless inductive charging technology that uses electromagnetic fields, and current trends in the world wireless charging industry.

Chairman Suzuki Yoichi of the Two-wheeled Electric Vehicle Committee of the Japan Society of Automotive Engineers (JSAE) will speak on current trends in international standardization efforts regarding DC fast-charging technology, and performance safety standards such as UN R136.

According to a KATS source, “the forum will be the first in a succession of meetings for experts from Korea and abroad to share global trends in EV technology and standardization efforts.”

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Source: Newsis News (Mar. 20, 2017)

** This article was translated from the Korean.