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Jeju to Establish Mid- to Long-term Road Map for EV Industries
According to Newsis News, 

(JEJU=Newsis News) Jeju Special Self-governing Province announced April 6 its plans to promote industries related to electric vehicles (EVs) to create jobs and thereby reinvigorate the local economy.

To that end, the province will hold a briefing session this evening at the Seolmundae Cultural Center for Women, on the research set to begin for the development of policies on cultivating EV-related sectors on the island. Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade (KIET), an affiliate of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, will be in charge of the research.

The session will be attended by EV experts from Korea and abroad, as well as industry professionals and members of academia who study EVs.

The research team intends to establish a mid- to long-term road map for nurturing EV-related industries specifically for the island, in connection to the national government's EV supply policies, and will involve investigations into the current state and ecosystem of domestic and foreign EV industries.

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Source: Newsis News (Apr. 6, 2017)

** This article was translated from the Korean.