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JDC, Kakao Sign for 4IR Project
According to Newsis News, 

(JEJU=Newsis News) Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC) signed with Kakao Corporation on May 17 at the Jeju Advanced Science & Technology Complex, agreeing to successfully carry out the joint R&D project for developing smartfarms through IoT (internet of things) technology demonstrations.

The project was launched to encourage Korean companies to develop information and communication technology (ICT) for widespread agricultural use.

To that end, smartfarm R&D facilities will be installed on the industrial site leased by Kakao inside the complex, where research will be conducted on IoT technology and automotive environment control modules, as well as demonstrations of the research findings.

Based on the agreement, Kakao and JDC plan to cooperate with other companies in the complex to create synergy based on technological convergence.

Currently, some 130 IT, BT and R&D tenant companies are located in Jeju Advanced Science & Technology Complex, and as of 2016, employs 2038 persons who generate KRW 1.6 trillion in revenue.

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Source Text

Source: Newsis News (May. 17, 2017)

** This article was translated from the Korean.