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S. Korea, Japan to hold annual aviation talks in Jeju

According to Yonhap News,

(SEJEONG=Yonhap News) South Korea and Japan will hold their annual aviation talks this week, with Seoul asking for adjustments in flight course and safety distance between planes, the transportation ministry said Tuesday.

The talks will be held on South Korea's southern island of Jeju from Wednesday to Friday, according to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. It will be the 12th round of the talks that began in 2005.

South Korea is asking Japan to adjust flight routes to shorten the flying distance between Incheon, its main gateway, and several Japanese cities. Many of the flights currently have to take detour routes once they enter Japanese airspace.

Seoul is also seeking to shorten the separation minima, the distance required between aircrafts to prevent collisions, from the present 37 kilometers to 28 km, which would help increase services, ministry officials said.

The two sides will discuss signing agreements for cooperation between South Korea's air traffic management center and area control center with their Japanese counterparts, officials said.

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Source: Yonhap News (May. 23, 2017)