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Jeju Port to Complete Construction of Cruise Ship Supply Support Center by Dec. 2019
According to Yonhap News, 

(JEJU=Yonhap News) To actively respond to the surging demands of the cruise market, a cruise ship supply support center is set to be built at Jeju Port.

Jeju Province announced October 9 that it will be constructing a cruise ship supply support center at Jeju Port Pier 8 as a means to revitalize the local economy through cruise tourism.

Plans to build the two-story 4,322-square-meter facility began in January, and construction will commence as soon as the design is finalized in November.

A total of KRW 7.8 billion, split evenly by national and provincial funding, will be spent on the project.

When it opens the new center supply fresh agricultural and seafood goods to cruise ships, raising the profits and exports of local farmers.

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Source: Yonhap News (Oct. 9, 2017)

** This article was translated from the Korean.