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Landing Jeju Development's CEO Yang Zhihui Recognized for FDI Contribution
According to Yonhap News, 

(JEJU=Yonhap News) Landing Jeju Development Co., Ltd. announced November 8 that CEO Yang Zhihui has received the President's Award for his FDI (foreign direct investment) contribution.

CEO Yang was recognized for having made an FDI worth USD 1.5 billion (KRW 1.7 trillion) through the establishment of Landing Jeju Development in September 2013 for the purpose of developing the Jeju Shinhwa World resort within the Jeju Myths and History Theme Park.

In addition to the investment, CEO Yang has also been doing his best so that the company carries outs its duties of protecting the environment, observing the law and rules, and growing with the local community.

Landing Jeju Development is a foreign-invested company established with a 100 percent investment by Hong Kong-based Landing International Development Limited.

CEO Yang, who also serves as Chairman of Landing International Development, noted that he is truly honored to receive the award.

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Source: Yonhap News (Nov. 8, 2017)

** This article was translated from the Korean.