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IP Commissioners of Korea, China, Japan, to Meet in Jeju on Dec. 6-7
According to Yonhap News, 

(DAEJEON=Yonhap News) Commissioner Sung Yunmo of the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) is scheduled to preside over the 29th Korea-Japan Intellectual Property Commissioners' Meeting and 17th Korea-China-Japan Intellectual Property Commissioners' Meeting, and attend the 5th Korea-China-Japan User Symposium held December 6 and 7 on Jeju Island.

The Korea-China-Japan Intellectual Property Commissioners' Meeting held at the Shilla Hotel will be attended by some 20 representatives of the intellectual property agencies of the three countries.

Commissioner Sung plans to lead the discussion on how to enhance cooperation with the two countries on intellectual property issues, and meet with Japan's IP commissioner in a separate meeting that morning.

On December 7, a symposium for IP users will be held at the Maison Glad Jeju hotel under the theme "IP Strategies in Response to the 4th Industrial Revolution."

The three commissioners are scheduled to attend the symposium as keynote speakers.


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Source: Yonhap News (Dec. 5, 2017)

** This article was translated from the Korean.