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No. of Korean Visitors to Jeju Increase by 10.3% in 2017
According to Yonhap News, 

(JEJU=Yonhap News) The Jeju Tourism Association revealed January 3 that a total of 13,520,859 Koreans and 1,233,525 foreigners visited the island in 2017.

While the number of foreign tourists decreased by 65.7 percent, the number of Korean visitors rose by 10.3 percent from the year before.

The drop in number of foreign tourists was largely due to the decline in number of Chinese tourists due to the Chinese government's measures to prevent trips to Korea in protest against Korea's deployment of the THHAD missile defense system.

However, the decline in the total number of tourists was smaller than expected as the number of tourists from Korea as well as Japan and Southeast Asia increased, the association explained.

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Source: Yonhap News (Jan. 3, 2017)

** This article was translated from the Korean.