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Jeju to Help 80 Export Companies Enter New Foreign Markets
According to Newsis News, 

(JEJU=Newsis News) Jeju Special Self-Governing Province announced Febraury 27 that it plans to reinforce its efforts to expand foreign export markets with Jeju Business Agency and other related organizations for local companies set to participate in foreign trade expositions and business delegations.

A total of 80 export companies based in Jeju will set out on a global marketing campaign in cooperation with Jeju Business Agency, Small and Medium Business Corporation's Jeju Headquarters, and Korea Agro-Fisheris & Food Trade Corporation 's Jeju Headquarters.

Responding to the suggestions made by the export companies, the province has been recruiting comapnies that hope to participate in foreign trade exhibitions, and unify its criteria for providing support since late last year to focus on raising the export competitiveness of local companies.

As such, the province put out an open call for candidates in December 2017, selected the final 80 companies last month, and has launched a unified system for supporting the participation of local companies in foreign expositions and trade delegations earlier this year.

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Source: Newsis News (Feb. 27, 2018)

** This article was translated from the Korean.