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Jeju Shinhwa World Opens as Korea’s Largest Multi-purpose Resort

The construction, which began in 2015, took three years to complete
Consists of a hotel, resort, casino, theme park, convention center, and a wide selection of amenities

Jeju Shinhwa World (Myth and History Park) celebrated its grand opening on March 22nd. It is the largest integrated resort in Korea to date.

Ramjeong Jeju Development and the Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC) held the opening ceremony for the resort at the Landing Ball Room in Landing Convention Center, Andeok-myeon, Seogwipo-si, Jeju. The event was attended by some 500 guests including local residents and representatives.

Jeju Shinhwa World is built on a 2.5 million square meter land in Seogwang-ri. Construction for the said resort which started in 2015, took three years to complete.

Ms. Ji-Hye yang, CEO of Ramjeong Jeju Development, delivered a welcoming speech, saying “Today’s opening is a crucial milestone in the history of Jeju Shinhwa World. It marks the successful achievement of a vision for a world-leading integrated resort here in Jeju.” She added, “We will turn Jeju Shinhwa World into a tourist attraction that people of Jeju can be proud of and do all that we can to ensure the growth of the local economy and tourism industry.”

Mr. Gwang-Heui Lee, CEO of JDC, said “People of Seogwnag-ri were instrumental in securing the site project in 2006” He added, “In 2013, we kicked off construction after Ramejong Group in Hong Kong agreed to participate in the project. Now I am elated to see that the day of the grand opening has finally come.”

National Assembly Member Jeong-Sik Cho, Chairperson Chung-Hong Ko of the Jeju Provincial Council, and Vice Governor for Political Affairs, Dong-Wu Ahn, also delivered congratulatory remarks.

Jeju Shinhwa World consists of three resorts: Somerset Jeju Shinhwa World, Marriott Resort, and Landing Resort.

The three resorts have around 1,500 guestrooms combined. The resort also features the Shinhwa Theme Park, Landing Convention Center, a foreigner-only Casino, as well as the Club House and the Asian Food Street.

The Jeju Tourism Organization Duty Free Shop and Shinesegae Food Avenue have opened stores in Shinhwa World.

Jeju Shinhwa World plans to launch Shinhwa Water Park and Shinhwa Resort this summer, and a movie theme park by the American film studio Lionsgate by 2020.

A Jeju Shinhwa World official said, “A KRW 970 billion-plan is being implemented for the five major social contribution areas, which will include efforts for a shared growth with the local community and the establishment of a job center for locals,” and “We will lead the future growth of the tourism industry.”

Jeju Shinhwa World projects that the resort will generate a total production of KRW 13,800 billion and create added-value worth KRW 7,200 billion.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Mar. 22, 2018)

** This article was translated from the Korean.