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Jeju Tourism changes vision, launches 3rd promotion plan

According to Yonhap News,

(DANGJIN=Yonhap News) Jeju's tourism industry will establish a 5-year promotion plan that will go into effect next year.

On April 15, Jeju announced it will establish the 3rd Tourism Promotion Plan (2019 ~ 2023) with the help of Jeju Tourism Society.

Jeju Tourism Society will set the mid to long term goals, establish promotion policies, find ways to work with the government's tourism policy and set up sustainable practices by connecting high-level local plans with those of the tourism promotion plan.

Since 2016, Jeju has shifted the direction of its tourism industry from quantitative to quantitative growth. Jeju plans to analyze the link between the changes in the global tourism market and the government's tourism plan to establish a comprehensive plan.

The society will hold an advisory meeting, an interim briefing meeting and a tourism promotion council in accordance with the schedule, and will review and complement the performance of the service in stages.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (Apr. 15, 2018)