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Jeju - 4th Industrial Revolution Committee Proposes 5-Part Plan

According to Yonhap News,

(JEJU=Yonhap News) Jeju Self-Governing Province came up with 5 strategies to create a sustainable future in the onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

On April 19, the province formed the "Jeju Self-Governing Province Fourth Industrial Revolution Committee" and proposed 5 policies including ▲ the promotion of industry convergence in the 4IR ▲ the establishment of basic plans for 4IR promotion ▲ fostering future growth industries ▲ the establishment of a 4IR committee led by the private sector ▲ the establishment of a promotion team to foster future growth industries.

In order for Jeju to lead industry convergence in the 4IR, the committee came up with a 4-part plan which includes advancing major industries through private sector-led technology convergence, fostering Jeju's new growth engines, establishing a public-service-based ecosystem for new industries where the private and public sectors cooperate and cultivating creative talent.

The province will also come up with a basic 5-year plan for 4IR promotion by the end of the year.

Last year, Jeju came up with plans to foster 10 future growth industries, and the city will continue to carry out those plans.

The 10 future growth industries include the smart agricultural processing industry, smart food processing industry, smart beauty industry, electric appliance industry, 3D printing industry and smart cities.

The 4IR Committee is composed of 20 4IR experts who specialize in various areas including technological innovation, administrative innovation, industrial innovation and regulatory reform.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (Apr. 19, 2018)