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Jeju International Citrus Expo 2018 Kicks Off

According to Yonhap News,

(JEJU=Yonhap News) Jeju International Citrus Expo 2018 has started from November 7 at Jeju Seogwipo Agricultural Technology Center.

The expo will be held for seven day until November 13 under the theme of "The Future of Jeju, World-acclaimed Premium Citrus," and will be attended by about 200 companies and organization from Korea and overseas, including 30 international companies from 15 countries.

"Jeju will take the lead in starting a new step towards exchanges and cooperation between the two Koreas," said Won Hee-ryong, Governor of Jeju in his welcome speech at the opening ceremony. "I would like to present Jeju's citrus to Chairman Kim Jeong-eun if he makes his visit to Jeju."

He also added, "Jeju has been sending Jeju Citrus to North Korea since 1999 for 12 years and paved the way to the exchange and cooperation of North and South Koreas through the "Vitamin C" diplomacy."

"This year marks the 50th year of commercialization of Jeju citrus," he noted. "We need to prepare for the next 50 years of citrus business that has been driving Jeju's economy."

During the event period, exhibitions will be organized to present a variety of Korean and overseas citrus and processed products, and one-on-one business meeting will take place.

International Conference in which ten citrus experts will participate, will share industrial policies related to citrus ways to enhance productivity of tangerine farms and new technical agriculture of the era of smart agriculture.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (November 7, 2018)