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Jeju Province-Jeju University to support technology development of smart grid convergence industry

Jeju province and Jeju Smart Grid Research Center announced on February 22 the issuance of public notice for "2019 Smart Grid Convergence Technology Development Support Project," accepting application by March 6.

To be eligible, companies or a consortium of companies in the field of smart grid, energy, electrics/electronics, communications, or IT located in Jeju. If applying as a consortium, a company in Jeju shall be a leading company, with its share in the project exceeding 70%.

The support amount will be KRW 240 million for three projects, up to KRW 80 million for each project. The companies applying for a support project shall be responsible for more than 25% of total expenses.

Those who want to apply for shall visit Jeju University. For more detailed information, contact Smart Grid Research Center at Jeju Jeju University.

Source Text

** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Newsis (February 22, 2019)