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Korea-ASEAN Regional Tourism Workshop held to seek for sustainable tourism in ASEAN

According to Yonhap News,

(SEOUL=Yonhap News) An international organization, Korea-ASEAN Center held "Korea-ASEAN tourism promotion workshop" at Jeju Ramada Plaza Hotel on August 19.

The workshop, jointly held with Asia Development Bank (ADB) until August 21, is an opportunity to look for Korea-ASEAN cooperation for sustainable tourism development.

Public officials and others from tourism-related companies and public organizations from Korea and 10 ASEAN countries participated.

They came together to deliberate on sustainable and competitive tourism, tourism development with local society participating, tourism marketing strategy and opportunity creation through shared economy, among others.

They also reflected on the issues of over tourism in ASEAN region, bolstering of manager's role and partnership for development of tourism policies.

Korea Tourism Organization, Jeju Tourism Organization, Jeju Olleh and other domestic tourism-specialized organizations shared Korea's tourism policies and success stories of tourism product development with ASEAN participants, while discussing measures for cooperation.

An official said, "ASEAN countries were visited by 9 million Koreans, as of 2018, becoming the most favorable overseas trip destination," adding that "thus, Korea is obliged to think over ASEAN's sustainable tourism."

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (August 19, 2019)