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Jeju Eco-Party, getting popular every year

According to Yonhap News,

‘Jeju Eco-Party’, a short tour to small towns to taste beauty of Jeju Island, is getting popular especially among small kids. Jeju Tourism Organization ran this annual event ‘Jeju Eco-Party’ on Nov 2 in three different communities. Indeed, basic concept of the party came from small-town festivals that combined and developed ‘eco-tourism’ through which visitors can learn more of how to preserve our nature and ‘carnival’ where neighbors can have fun.

Contrary to last year’s case that mainly attracted non-Jeju residents, around 290 participants including small kids and pre-school toddlers came to the party this year. These participants had great fun experiencing the beauty of nature as untouched and the life of farming village, a perfect way to be fully relaxed staying far from tough urban life.

Jeju Tourism Organization rolled out their plan to utilize the spots as an outdoor classroom for young children to learn natural resources, eco system and a sense of community.

The eco-party has been getting a good visitor feedback for years though the beginning was quite insignificant. The very first year in 2016, only four towns joined the program. Since then, the scale of the festival has been consistently larger year after year.

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Source: Yonhap News (Oct 30, 2019)

*This article was translated form Korean.