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Jeju, to gear up for a KRW 60 bln investment project to expand EV infrastructure

According to Newsis,

Jeju Island announced on Dec. 19 that the local authority set up a plan to make a KRW 60 billion investment in EV industry support, which covers designating regulation free zone to expand fueling station across the island and building up the service infrastructure for EV maintenance.

Further specifically, a KRW 26 billion investment goes to businesses such as scaling up electric grid connection especially in quality to slash charging time, a mobile type charging service which dramatically reduce the size of land property for stations and developing a charging infra-sharing platform.

The Island also takes part in the MOTIE-led five year project to establish service infrastructure for EV maintenance, which costs as much as KRW 20 billion.

Jeju also runs two different investment projects to have more EV charging stations and to support micro-EV technology, spending KRW 9.5 billion and 3.3 billion respectively. MOTIE selected Jeju Island as part of national regulation free zones on Nov. 12 to further improve user convenience in charging stations across the island.

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Source: Newsis (Dec. 19, 2019)

*This article was translated from Korean.