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KEPCO opened nation’s 1st Renewable Center in Jeju Island

According to Yonhap News,

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) constructed what’s called ‘Renewable Center’, first of its kind in Korea. They hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the launch of the service on Dec 9 at the presence of leaders and representatives of several public-private entities.

The two-story building takes the role of management, overseeing efficient use- supply of renewable energy sources, while monitoring the island-wide grid stability.

As Jeju Island has moved toward its goal to be carbon neutral with the slogan of Carbon Free Island Jeju 2030, the provincial authority expects that the energy share generated by renewable sources could quadruple until the year 2030. The center will be tasked with observing energy output which comes from renewable power plants, analyzing the plant system, predicting daily power generation based upon temperature data available from the weather forecast information and assessing safety distribution networks which may cause unwanted impacts on power grid and possible effects of renewable energy sources on transmission.

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Source: Yonhap News (Dec 9, 2020)

** This article was translated from Korean.