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Socar- RideFlux to test drive self-driving shuttle vans in Jeju Island

According to Yonhap News,

Socar, a mobile app-based car rental-sharing service, said on Jan 5 that they’ll partner with RideFlux, Korea’s self-driving startup, to test run for driverless shuttle service in Jeju Island during the first half of this year. They’re planning to put self-driving minivan on a 38㎞ road, which goes back and forth across Jeju Internatoinal Airport and Jungmoon complex, the longest test drive distance out of six other candidates picked by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. The van carries up to five passengers with two carriers. The car sharing service and startup company are set to expand the service to island-wide roads and other places across Sejong city.

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Source: Yonhap News (Jan 5, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.