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Halla Holdings partnered with Kakao VX & Stonebridge Ventures to develop tourist attractions in Jeju

According to Yonhap News,

Halla Group gears up for a business project with Kakao VX, an affiliate of Kakao Game’s golf service, to develop tourist spots in Jeju Island. Halla Holdings picked Kakao VX and Stonebridge Ventures on Jan 24 as its partners to push forward with the first round of investment scheme.

Halla plans to put an end to the investment until early 2025 once raising seed funding. With greater focuses on the refurbishment of amenities and golf courses in the first phase, Halla will move on toward the next stage to kickstart the formation of the community- based cluster of tourist attractions in the remaining spaces. An official said on condition of anonymity “The details are still unknown.”

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Source: Yonhap News (Jan 24, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.