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JTO to find potential candidates of J-Startup

According to Newsis,

Jeju Tourism Organization (JTO) announced the launch of its 2021 Grand Startup Challenge starting from May 3-14, which aims to find promising locally based startups running business less than seven years and help them scale up. Potential candidates providing travel and tourism-related services are required to show valid proof of (incorporate) company less than seven years old and to submit business plan which well presents detailed draft over the program’s main theme, innovation driven tourism business in Jeju.

Once selected after going through documentation screening process, applicants are entitled to be given an accelerator package: HR /business training courses to enhance capacity, investor relations and communication coaching service, business feasibility assessment to substantiate commercial viability of products and services etc. Those who complete the entire courses are allowed to partner with JTO, being nominated as ‘J-Startup’. The shortlistee can receive prize money, worth KRW 100 million, with other forms of marketing assistance.

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Source: Newsis (Mar 30, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.