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JDC to start grounding work to build Jeju Science Park2

According to Yonhap News,

Jeju Island is set to start grounding work for a construction project to build Jeju Science Park2. The head of Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC) announced his aspirations to kick the project into full gear at the ceremony celebrating his second inauguration on Mar 8. By raising funds targeting small-medium sized companies within the cluster, JDC will provide a cash flow programs like loan services or financial aids, he added.

In addition, he also spoken out his strong ambitions to build out healthcare town medical service center, while attracting linked research institutions, through which JDC develops a community bio-medical hub.

The project has been though the government’s business feasibility assessment study conducted in 2015 and finally authorized to be developed as part of national industry clusters in 2016. The Jeju Science Park2 will be located on a 848,000㎡ site across Wolpyeong-dong, accommodating an array of interconnected private-public institutions and entities involved in bio-healthcare technologies.

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Source: Yonhap News (Mar 8, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.