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Jeju to advance a big-data platform for 'scientific administration'

Jeju to lay the ground to drive digital new deal and strengthen data utilization capability

■ Jeju Special Self-Governing Province held a conference to announce commencement of a project to advance Jeju big data platform, which has been operated to realize data-based scientific administration and various purposes. .

❍'Jeju big data platform' is a system capable of integrating, managing, analyzing internal and external data of administrative organizations.

❍ It currently collects and stores data in various fields such as transportation, tourism, environment, and agriculture. With analysis and development of visualization services, it has been utilized as a basic source in establishing administrative organizations' policies.

■ Jeju province plans to advance visualization service, which has been offered for internal network this year. Also, the province will continue to collect new big data covering agriculture, transportation, and foreigners in collaboration with relevant departments to complement and strengthen functions to enable continuous update and automatic visualization.

■ By carrying out this project, Jeju plans to collect internal and external data of administrative organizations, and utilize collected data as a ground to establish public policy.

❍ It also plans to support revitalization of regional big data ecosystem in conjunction with Jeju Big Data Center infrastructure and, which has been in operation for the private sector.

■An official from Jeju provincial government said "Jeju's big data platform is a new public service realization tool utilizing scientific administration and AI," adding "we will continue to expand an ecosystem of big data to strengthen capability of public service and address regional problems."

Source Text

Source : Digital Convergence Division, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (July 25, 2021)