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J-Startup achieved 47 job creation, KRW 2.67 bln sales

According to Newsis,

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province said on August 4 that it has achieved, together with Jeju Tourism Organization (JTO), creation of 47 jobs, KRW 2.67 billion in sales, investment attraction of KRW 750 million in the first half of this year as a result of Jeju tourism startup fostering project (J-Startup).

J-Startup was initiated in 2018 to develop various travel and business products reflecting innovative trends and create a new tourism industry ecosystem that will lead future Jeju tourism.

Unlike other startup fostering project that provide no more than initial funding and space support, this J-startup project yielded better achievements due to differentiated policy that supports from the initial business development, marketing for market entry, and business expansion for about 3.5 years.

In particular, JTO's support for market entry utilizing domestic and overseas marketing channels and networks, and various marketing support including exposure to famous media outlet.

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Source: Newsis (August 4, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.