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JDC and GEAN signed MOU on fostering future mobility

According to Yonhap News,

The Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC) and Global EV Association Network(GEAN) signed an MOU for 'e-mobility industry development and mutual cooperation to lead the global innovative industry' at the Jeju International Convention Center on September 8.

With this MOU in place, JDC and GEAN will jointly pursue: support and cooperate to build an eco-friendly future e-mobility industry ecosystem; sustainable development and future growth of the global electric vehicle industry; and fostering low-carbon indsutry and raising awareness of energy transition.

JDC is striving to foster the eco-friendly mobility industry by developing and experimenting with future mobility technologies based on the EV Lab (autonomous and electric vehicle research and demonstration) in the Jeju Advanced Science Park.

GEAN is an international electric vehicle organization of 30 countries around the world, and is striving to foster the electric vehicle industry by holding regular general meetings and forums during the International Electric Vehicle Expo held in Jeju every year.

E-mobility is a means of transportation combined with information technology networks.

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Source:Yonhap News (September 9, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.