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Jeju to push for temporary permit of demonstration of EV charging service regulation-free zone

According to Newsis,

A Regulation-free Zone regarding EV Charing Services, being test on Jeju island is likely to be extended.

Jeju province said on September 26 that it will push for temporary permit transition to ensure business continuity and early entry to market, with the expiration date of the EV charging service regulation-free zone approaching.

The province was designated as regulation-free zone regarding EV charging services in December 2019, for 4 years until December 2023. To date, a total of KRW 18.3 billion has been invested, including national budget of KRW 10.9 billion, local budget of KRW 4.7 billion, and private funding of KRW 2.7 billion.

Under the supervision of Jeju Techno Park, 14 companies are participating. Jeju has been certified for 4 regulatory exceptions including ▲ Demonstration of charging infrastructure improvement to reduce charging time ▲Mobile charging services to minimize occupying space ▲Charing infrastructure sharing platform for better utilization ▲Charing data-basis EV specialized diagnosis service.

Once regulatory exceptions for demonstration expire, it is impossible to extend or transfer to temporary permit. The extention of regulatory exceptions for demonstration is applicable when the verification of project stability is not sufficient, or regulatory acts or systems cannot be changed at the time. The temporary permit assumes that verification of stability is sufficient, and the central government is considering revision of regulations.

Of these, the province plans to extend the period by transition to temporary permit.

Because there is no issue of stability in the EV charging service regulation free-zone demonstration project, it plans to secure early market entry to new businesses through transition to temporary permit.

The province plans to apply for temporary permit to the Ministry of SMEs and Startups in September. The provincial government is in continuous consultation with relevant government agencies to promote the need and justification of Jeju regulation free zone's transition to temporary permit.

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Source: Newsis (September 26, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.