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2021 Jeju International Casino Policy Forum to be held in November

According to Yonhap News,

An international casino policy forum attended by domestic and foreign casino industry participates will be held in Jeju.

Jeju Island announced on October 5 that it will hold the '2021 Jeju International Casino Policy Forum' at the Dream Tower Complex Resort in Nohyeong-dong, Jeju-si for two days on November 11-12.

The Forum, hosted by Jeju-do and co-organized by the Jeju Casino Supervision Committee and Jeju International Convention Center, has been prepared to explore strategies for survival of the casino industry in the post-COVID-19 era and for coexistence with the local community.

The theme of the forum is 'Development direction of the casino industry in the post-COVID-19 era'.

To prevent the COVID-19, foreign panelists will participate in the discussion by session through online video.

The forum will be participated by five countries, including Korea, the United States (Nevada), China (Macao, Hong Kong), Singapore, and New Zealand, and topical discussion will be participated by about 20 figures from home and abroad.

In addition, it is the only casino-related forum in Korea where domestic and foreign figures participate.

The forum will be attended by the leading figures from the academics or supervising authorities, such as Bo Bernard, a research fellow at Nevada State University, Albert Yeo, a legal advisor to Singapore's casino regulation authority, and Blair Cairncross, a member of New Zealand Gaming Supervision Committee, among others.

Kaye Chon, dean of the Department of Hotel and Tourism, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, will deliver keynote speech under the theme of 'Changes of the Casino Industry in the Post-COVID 19 Era'.

The Forum has been held every year, starting from its first in November 2017, since the establishment of casino policy organization in Jeju Island in 2015.

In particular, it has raised the domestic casino industry, which used to have weaker basis for management, supervision, and system, to match the international level.

In 2017, it achieved a feat of signing MOU with the Singapore Casino Regulation Authority.

This year's event will be broadcast live on its YouTube channel real time.

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Source:Yonhap News (October 5, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.