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Jeju selected in the Creative Brand category of Korea Creative Management 2022

According to Yonhap News,

Jeju City was selected in the creative brand category in 'Korea Creative Management 2022'.

Jeju-ai announced on March 17 that it was awarded in in the creative brand category in 'Korea Creative Management 2022', in recognition of its efforts to create a clean environment city.

'Korea Creative Management 2022', hosted by the JoongAng Ilbo and JoongAng Sunday and sponsored by the Ministry of Science and ICT is a project to discover efforts for various management innovation throughout the country and select 14 creative management cases and creative brands, encouraging such activities.

Jeju-si received this award in recognition of its efforts to put top priority in the values of natural environment and the preservation of eco-tourism resources in order to create a 'clean environment city where people and nature live together'.

To foster an eco-tourism area, Jeju City has created a wetland in Dongbaek-dongsan, Seonheul 1-ri, Jocheon-eup; operated a Ramsar Wetland City Certification Program; created tourism-related local income such as Gotjawal in Jeoji-ri; and continued to expand green spaces such as urban forest creation projects.

At the same time, the province has made efforts to realize a resource circulation society that increases the recycling of household waste and dramatically improves the discharge collection system, through such measures as the resource recovery compensation system, the ICT-based automatic compression container pilot operation, the creation of a weight system-based smart green city, and the expansion of recycling help centers.

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Source: Yonhap News (March 17, 2022)

** This article was translated from Korean.